How To Use A Hair Straightening Brush [8 Easy Steps]

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Last Updated on March 28, 2025

Straightening Brushes come in very handy and are quite easy to use for people who often straighten their hair. The straightening brush looks just like a regular brush except that it is bigger and has a cord attached. Just like any new tool you purchase, you should ensure you know how it works before attempting to use it.

These are things to note on how to use a straightening brush:

Straightening Your Hair With A Straightening Brush


Get the Right Kind of Straightening Brush

Avital consideration is the straightening brush to get that would work best for your hair type and length. Round bushes have been found to work better with long hair, while flat and angled brushes work better with medium to short hair.

Also, the material the brush is made up of might determine its functioning. Brushes with ceramic plates are preferable because they get hot faster. Then, the bristles should preferably be made of nylon. Getting a brush with a firm grip would determine your experience with using a straightening brush.

Familiarise Yourself With the Tool

You should carefully read the directions that come with the straightening hairbrush. Suppose you have any confusion regarding any detail. In that case, you can browse online for a video tutorial to see how the straightening brush is used.

Do not turn yourself into a guinea pig and experiment as any damage caused to your hair may not be repairable. If you are reluctant to try the straightening brush for the first time, you can test it on an old wig to see the expected outcome. That would also enable you to experiment with different temperatures and their results on the hair.

Wash Your Hair

That is the first and most crucial step when you want to use a straightening brush. So, you must ensure your hair is clean as any addition of water to your hair after straightening it would return it to its curly state.

Wash your hair with a soft shampoo that will not dry out your hair. Do not apply regular hair oil after washing, as this might make your hair burn during the straightening process.

Dry Your Hair

After washing, the next step is making sure your hair is completely dry. This is very important as running the straightening brush through wet hair may burn your hair. To ensure that your hair is completely dry, it might not be enough to run a towel through it.

It is more effective to blow dry your hair first. Blow drying also kicks off the hair straightening process, giving you better results. As you dry it, make sure to comb out any knots or tangles.

If you don’t have access to a blow dryer, you can make do with a micro-fiber towel which would absorb most of the wetness out of your hair.

Section Your Hair

Even though you usually brush your hair as a whole, that kind of method would not work when you are using a straightening brush. It would help to section it into smaller sections so the brush can go through smoothly without getting stuck in it.

However, the sections should not be too small as this might make you burn your scalp mistakenly. That would not only help you avoid injuries, but it would also give you better results in the end. You may need some hair clips or pins to do the sectioning successfully.

Set the Temperature

One of the most important considerations when using a straightening brush is choosing the right temperature for your hair. Unlike flat irons that may not have heat regulators, straightening brushes allow you to switch between temperatures.

However, this might become a curse instead of a blessing if you choose the wrong temperature for your hair type. Most light-textured hair would only need low to medium heat to get desirable results. While coarse hair may require a higher temperature, it is crucial to see what works for you and err on caution by starting on low heat.

Start the Brushing Process


When you are ready to start straightening your hair, you should use the right method. Hold the brush firmly to avoid slips and accidentally touching your scalp or face skin. Brush through your hair gently and slowly as if you do it too quickly; you may not get the expected outcome.

It would be best if you used small chunks of hair. If the section is too small, the effect of the heat would be stronger. Starting the straightening from the back is often easier to manage. You should start from the roots of your hair and hold the brush so that the bristles are pointing away from you.

After Touches

When you are done using the straightening brush, please do not rush to replace it in its pack. It would help if you allowed it to cool down. To make your straightened last longer, you can use a hair spray and avoid leaving your hair loose if you are going on an open-roof drive.

The good thing about straightening brushes is that you can easily use them to retouch your hair when the straightening is wearing out quickly. When performing a retouch, the temperature should be placed low. They do not need as much skill and time as flat irons.

After use, you should clean the brush with a cloth to keep out dirt and rust.


Even though straightening brushes have been hyped to be safer than flat irons, this does not mean that they do not come with risks too. You can still get heat damage from using straightening brushes if you do not follow the right usage steps. Using a heat protectant spray can help you avoid damage to your hair.

It is also essential to get a standard product when purchasing your straightening brush. A faulty straightener could ruin your hair, so as much as you may be trying to cut costs, you should not do it at the expense of good quality.